How To Repair Headphone 2023? Top Full Guide

How To Repair Headphone? Top Full Guide 2023
  • Anthony

If your headphones aren’t working properly, there are a few things about how to repair headphone. First, check the audio source to make sure it’s working properly. Next, check the connection between the headphones and the audio source.

If the connection is loose, try tightening it. If that doesn’t work, try cleaning the connection with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol. Finally, if none of these things work, you may need to replace the headphones.

Are Your Headphones Broken?

Are Your Headphones Broken

The reason for damaged headphones may or may not be visible. It is much simpler to identify the issue if you can see it. However, problems with your headphones that you cannot see but can hear may also be resolved.

But first, you must determine the exact location of the issue. You wouldn’t attempt to mend your headphones if they weren’t damaged in the first place, would you? There are two techniques for determining whether or not your headphones are broken:

Try different audio sources.

Try connecting your headphones to various audio sources. This is to see if anything changes in what you hear. If you find that the issue does not occur when you switch audio sources, the fault is most likely with the original audio source rather than the headphones.

Play better files

Poor music quality might sometimes create the audio issues you’re having. If you’re listening to a song called “eMINem – STann.mp3” that you obtained on Limewire in the early 2000s, don’t expect the finest audio quality.

  • Instead, you may try playing some high-quality music from YouTube or Spotify.
  • Try jazz with a strong bottom line, classical music, or wild instrumentals. These are often used to test all frequencies.
  • If you’re certain the problem is with your headphones, you should go over our list below. It contains some of the issues you may be having and the DIY strategies to remedy them.

Before attempting any DIY repairs on your headphones, always check the guarantee. If feasible, talk to the maker of your headphones about your problems. Then, inquire about alternative possibilities, such as headphone repair/replacement.

How To Fix Headphone Wires

How To Fix Headphone Wires

From start to conclusion, there are just a few steps for how to repair headphone wires. The worst thing is how boring it is. Even if nothing harmful will happen, remove the area of explosive things before you begin. The bathroom provides a safe and regulated atmosphere.

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Step 1: Strip the cable

If the cable has entirely detached, remove the outer coating. Practice on the lengthier piece if you’ve never done it before. You may cut it off and try again if you make a mistake.

Insert the two inches of the cable into the wire remover or notch on your knife. This component may lock into place at a 90-degree angle if it is a genuine wire remover. Lower the item while keeping the cord in place if it’s a bottle opener. Lower it until it is trapped between the knife handle and the bottle opener. Sink the knife until how to fix headphones without cutting them through the sheath.

While rotating the knife in a full circle, hold the longer side of the cable steady. As you spin, apply a little pressure to the handle. Check whether you’re pressing too hard and damaging the internal circuitry. If damage occurs, this is why we began with the lengthier piece of cable.

Pull the knife and extra cable in opposing directions once you’ve spun the blade around the jacket. The sheath will fall off, exposing three or four wires. There are four color-coded wires in the Razer Kraken X: red, blue, green, and copper. Set aside this segment of the original cable and repeat for the opposite end of the damaged wire.

An X-Acto knife is more effective than an army knife when dealing with flat or ribbon cables. This is a more sensitive operation. Make a two-inch lateral incision going along the cord. The wires may then be seen by lifting the flaps. Pluck each one out separately, using your fingers or tweezers.

Step 2: Remove the wire coating

After removing each end of the divided cable, the components should look like this. Then, burn the colorful coating off each wire separately.

After removing each wire from the jacket, you must remove the outer covering. To identify the wires, maintain part of the colorings at the base of each wire. You’re not guessing and checking when you link red to red, green to green, and so on.

Each wire should be burned one at a time. It simply takes a few seconds for the exposed wire to emerge from behind the melted covering. Blow out the flame if it starts to move down the wire. Push each finished wire off to the side as you go on to the next. After all of the coatings have been burnt, remove the ash. Set aside this original cable piece and repeat with the other.

Step 3: Rejoin the wires

If you went the additional mile and purchased some heat shrink tubing, put it away from the exposed wires onto each cable piece. It would help if you now reconnected each cable. This will come in handy later.

It would help if you wrapped the relevant wires together. This is the most time-consuming process. It must be done softly so that the strands do not tear. At the same time, the wrapping should be tight, so the wires do not fall apart. While it doesn’t matter what sequence you go in, working in and moving out will save you a tiny hassle.

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Step 4: Use heat shrinking tube

You need to wrap two of the wires in a tiny, pre-cut piece of electrical tape. Then, reposition the heat-shrinking tubes over the covered wires. Hold a lighter under the tube, careful not to contact the flame with the tubing. This will force the tube to compress and tighten around the wire.

If you do not wish to use heat shrinking tubing, wrap each repaired wire separately with a small piece of pre-cut electrical tape. This insulates and protects the wires. Wrap a single piece of electrical tape over all three tape-covered wires.

You Hear Rattling Noises And/Or Distorted Sound

Broken or blown-out headphone drivers frequently cause this issue. Some of the probable reasons for blown-out headphone drivers include:

  • Physical damage: Physical damage to the headphones might cause sound output issues. This occurs when you drop your headphones, stomp on them, cram them inside a backpack full of heavy books, or have your cat chew on them, among other things.
  • Playing at maximum volume: Loud sounds impose undue strain on your ears and hearing. It also puts additional strain on the headphone drivers.
  • Excessive power from the amp: Headphone amps are often used to provide greater power to the headphones. However, utilizing a malfunctioning amp with incorrect settings or providing more power than the headphones can take will cause your drivers to fail.
  • Dust, hair, or dirt: Your headphones need cleaning like any other electrical item. Dust, hair, and debris may collect within your headphone drivers. As a result, it makes rattling, buzzing, or scratching noises.

How To Fix Blown Out Headphone Drivers

The only method to repair damaged or blown-out headphone drivers is to replace them.

Some headphones may be more difficult to use. As a result, changing their drivers may need the assistance of a specialist. When in doubt, always seek the advice of an expert.

1. Remove any cords and batteries from the headphones (if applicable) to avoid damaging anything else while working on this DIY solution.

1. Remove any cords and batteries from the headphones

2. Take one of the headphones’ ear pads off. In most circumstances, you may accomplish this by simply pulling it out with your fingers.

2. Take one of the headphones' ear pads off.

3. Remove the screws that keep the speaker in place to get access to the blown-out headphones’ driver.

3. Remove the screws that keep the speaker in place to get access to the blown-out headphones' driver.

4. Remove the broken speaker by cutting along the edges using a tool (such as a small knife or box cutter blade) to remove the speaker from the housing.

5. Use a soldering iron to detach the wires from the damaged speaker.

5. Use a soldering iron to detach the wires from the damaged speaker.

6. Using the soldering iron, replace the damaged speaker with the replacement headphone driver and reconnect the wires to the right locations.

7. Put everything back in place and repeat steps 2 – 7 for the opposite side of the headphones.

You Don’t Hear Any Sound On Your Bluetooth Headphones.

You’d properly connect your Bluetooth headphones, but there’d be no sound. In this scenario, there are a few plausible reasons for this problem:

  • Audio source settings – Regardless of the device, particular audio source settings might impact the headphones’ sound quality and loudness output. If this is the case, debugging these settings should be simple.
  • Updates are required – An outdated audio driver or mobile phone might create various problems with its functioning.
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How To Fix Bluetooth Headphones With No Sound

Before making any more modifications or troubleshooting, it’s advised to do a fast reset of your Bluetooth headphones.

Some headphones may need more complicated processes to reset. If you have that model, you should read our guide on resetting your Bluetooth headphones.

  1. For a few seconds, hold down the power button on the headphones.
  2. Wait until the LED indications indicate that the gadget has been switched off.
  3. Restart the headphones by pushing the power button once more.

Check into your audio player device if resetting your headphones does not resolve the issue. Check read our post for the necessary troubleshooting methods to do this.

Some relevant posts:


How do you identify headphone wires?

Red, blue, or green wires and a copper or copper-colored wire will be used in headphones. If you see four wires, the fourth is a copper wire. Red wires are often the right channel, blue or green wires are the left channel, and copper wires represent the ground. When joining divided wires, be careful to connect wires of the same color.

How do you straighten out headphone wires?

Stopping the cable from twisting is a smart approach to prevent frayed or ripped wires. Cables naturally twist while in use, so it’s a good idea to straighten them once in a while to maintain them in excellent working order. Hold the wire with your thumb and index finger and gently pull the cable to straighten it out.

Can I stop headphone wires from tangling?

It will help if you use caution while using your headphones to prevent the cables from twisting. Place the headphones on a pedestal and suspend the cord. Don’t forget to straighten the cables now and then.

Is it possible to extend a headphone cable?

A cable extender is available. This, however, may cause some noise and degrade the audio quality of your headphones.

Can headphones be repaired?

Many audio and electronics stores will repair headphones. If you can’t locate a local repair shop, you may send your headphones to the manufacturer or an independent repair shop for how to fix headphones cord hard. Depending on the issue, a warranty may also cover your headphones.

How long do headphones last?

The answer to that query is dependent on the headphones you’re using. However, a great set of headphones will typically endure between 5 and 10 years.


In this article, we will be discussing how to repair headphones. This will include troubleshooting tips and tricks and a few do-it-yourself methods. We hope you find this information helpful, and thanks for reading!

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